بند هشتاد و دوم

It behooveth us, therefore, to make the utmost endeavor, that, by God’s invisible assistance, these dark veils, these clouds of Heaven-sent trials, may not hinder us from beholding the beauty of His shining Countenance, and that we may recognize Him only by His own Self. And should we ask for a testimony of His truth, we should content ourselves with one, and only one, that thereby we may attain unto Him Who is the Fountainhead of infinite grace, and in Whose presence all the world’s abundance fadeth into nothingness, that we may cease to cavil at Him every day and… (Search hits: 6 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 413.07)

بند یکصد و پنجاه و پنجم : حکم قمار و مواد مخدره

حرّم عليکم الميسر و الافيون اجتنبوا يا معشر الخلق و لا تکوننّ من المتجاوزين * ايّاکم ان تستعملوا ما تکسل به هياکلکم و يضرّ ابدانکم انّا ما اردنا لکم الّا ما ينفعکم يشهد بذلک کلّ الاشيآء لو انتم تسمعون * Gambling and the use of opium have been forbidden unto you. Eschew them both, O people, and be not of those who transgress. Beware of using any substance that induceth sluggishness and torpor in the human temple and inflicteth harm upon the body. We, verily, desire for you naught save what shall profit you, and to this bear witness all… (Search hits: 6 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 413.07)

بند هفتاد و نهم : خطاب به ملوک

…far away from your ultimate objective. This ill beseemeth you, could ye but understand it. Wash from your hearts all earthly defilements, and hasten to enter the Kingdom of your Lord, the Creator of earth and heaven, Who caused the world to tremble and all its peoples to wail, except them that have renounced all things and clung to that which the Hidden Tablet hath ordained. ما شما را میبینیم که خوشحالید از ثروت هایی که جمع کرده اید برای دیگران، و خود را از عوالم روحانیه که در لوح محفوظ احصاء آن ذکر شده است محروم کرده اید. مشغول… (Search hits: 6 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 413.07)

بند صد و نود و هشت

By virtue of this station, they have claimed for themselves the Voice of Divinity and the like, whilst by virtue of their station of Messengership, they have declared themselves the Messengers of God. In every instance they have voiced an utterance that would conform to the requirements of the occasion, and have ascribed all these declarations to themselves, declarations ranging from the realm of divine Revelation to the realm of creation, and from the domain of Divinity even unto the domain of earthly existence. Thus it is that whatsoever be their utterance, whether it pertain to the realm of Divinity,… (Search hits: 6 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 413.07)

‍ «یک روز خدمت» ویدیویی از احبای ساکن روستایی در کشور زامبیا

A day of service in a Bahai village in North-western ZambiaThe aim of the Bahai teaching is to achieve true peace and unity among all nations and religions of the world. فیلمی را که مشاهده می فرمایید گزارشی است از «یک روز خدمت» احباء روستایی در شمال غربی زامبیا هدف از آموزش تعالیم بهایی ، دستیابی به صلح و وحدت واقعی در میان تمام ملت ها و ادیان جهان است. -The earth is but one country and mankind it’s citizens. -عالم یک وطن محسوب و من علی الارض اهل آن. -Be ye as the fingers of one hand , the… (Search hits: 6 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 413.07)

بند پنجاه و سوم : توجه به اثار

…horizon of this Heaven and, when it hath set, refer ye to whatsoever hath been sent down by Him. This, verily, is sufficient unto the peoples of the world. Say: Let not your hearts be perturbed, O people, when the glory of My Presence is withdrawn, and the ocean of My utterance is stilled. In My presence amongst you there is a wisdom, and in My absence there is yet another, inscrutable to all but God, the Incomparable, the All-Knowing. Verily, We behold you from Our realm of glory, and shall aid whosoever will arise for the triumph of Our… (Search hits: 6 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 413.07)

بند یکصد و بیستم : امانت,وفا ,صدق و راستی و ادب

…fear of God, your tongues with absolute truthfulness, your bodies with the vesture of courtesy. These are in truth seemly adornings unto the temple of man, if ye be of them that reflect. Cling, O ye people of Bahá, to the cord of servitude unto God, the True One, for thereby your stations shall be made manifest, your names written and preserved, your ranks raised and your memory exalted in the Preserved Tablet. Beware lest the dwellers on earth hinder you from this glorious and exalted station. Thus have We exhorted you in most of Our Epistles and now in… (Search hits: 6 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 413.07)

بند صد و چهل و یکم

Thus Jesus, Son of Mary, whilst seated one day and speaking in the strain of the Holy Spirit, uttered words such as these: “O people! My food is the grass of the field, wherewith I satisfy my hunger. My bed is the dust, my lamp in the night the light of the moon, and my steed my own feet. Behold, who on earth is richer than I?” By the righteousness of God! Thousands of treasures circle round this poverty, and a myriad kingdoms of glory yearn for such abasement! Shouldst thou attain to a drop of the ocean of the… (Search hits: 6 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 413.07)

بند صد و چهل و سوم

This poverty and these riches, this abasement and glory, this dominion, power, and the like, upon which the eyes and hearts of these vain and foolish souls are set—all these things fade into utter nothingness in that Court! Even as He hath said: “O men! Ye are but paupers in need of God; but God is the Rich, the Self-Sufficing.” By “riches” therefore is meant independence of all else but God, and by “poverty” the lack of things that are of God. “و اين فقر و غنا و ذلّت و عزّت و سلطنت و قدرت و مادون آن که نزد… (Search hits: 6 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 413.07)

بند یازده

Later, the beauty of the countenance of the Friend of God appeared from behind the veil, and another standard of divine guidance was hoisted. He invited the people of the earth to the light of righteousness. The more passionately He exhorted them, the fiercer waxed the envy and waywardness of the people, except those who wholly detached themselves from all save God, and ascended on the wings of certainty to the station which God hath exalted beyond the comprehension of men. It is well known what a host of enemies besieged Him, until at last the fires of envy and… (Search hits: 6 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 413.07)