بند صد و هشتاد و هشت

We seal our theme with that which was formerly revealed unto Muhammad that the seal thereof may shed the fragrance of that holy musk which leadeth men unto the Ridván of unfading splendor. He said, and His Word is the truth: “And God calleth to the Abode of Peace; and He guideth whom He will into the right way.” “For them is an Abode of Peace with their Lord! and He shall be their Protector because of their works.”131 This He hath revealed that His grace may encompass the world. Praise be to God, the Lord of all being! “اَخْتِمُ… (Search hits: 1 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 68.85)

بند صد و هشتاد پنج

Twelve hundred and eighty years have passed since the dawn of the Muhammadan Dispensation, and with every break of day, these blind and ignoble people have recited their Qur’án, and yet have failed to grasp one letter of that Book! Again and again they read those verses which clearly testify to the reality of these holy themes, and bear witness to the truth of the Manifestations of eternal Glory, and still apprehend not their purpose. They have even failed to realize, all this time, that, in every age, the reading of the scriptures and holy books is for no other… (Search hits: 1 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 68.85)

بند صد و سی و دوم

This is but one of the meanings of the spiritual sovereignty which We have set forth in accordance with the capacity and receptiveness of the people. For He, the Mover of all beings, that glorified Countenance, is the source of such potencies as neither this wronged One can reveal, nor this unworthy people comprehend. Immensely exalted is He above men’s praise of His sovereignty; glorified is He beyond that which they attribute unto Him! “باری، اين است يک معنی از سلطنت باطنی که نظر به استعداد و قابليّت ناس ذکر شد. و از برای آن نقطه وجود و طلعت محمود… (Search hits: 1 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 68.85)

بند صد و پنجاه و چهارم

Consider, how can he that faileth in the day of God’s Revelation to attain unto the grace of the “Divine Presence” and to recognize His Manifestation, be justly called learned, though he may have spent aeons in the pursuit of knowledge, and acquired all the limited and material learning of men? It is surely evident that he can in no wise be regarded as possessed of true knowledge. Whereas, the most unlettered of all men, if he be honored with this supreme distinction, he verily is accounted as one of those divinely learned men whose knowledge is of God; for… (Search hits: 1 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 68.85)

بند صد و سی و سوم

And now, ponder this in thine heart: Were sovereignty to mean earthly sovereignty and worldly dominion, were it to imply the subjection and external allegiance of all the peoples and kindreds of the earth—whereby His loved ones should be exalted and be made to live in peace, and His enemies be abased and tormented—such form of sovereignty would not be true of God Himself, the Source of all dominion, Whose majesty and power all things testify. For, dost thou not witness how the generality of mankind is under the sway of His enemies? Have they not all turned away from… (Search hits: 1 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 68.85)

بند صد و سی و پنجم

Were the idle contention of these foolish and despicable souls to be true, they would have none other alternative than to reject all these holy utterances and heavenly allusions. For no warrior could be found on earth more excellent and nearer to God than Husayn, son of ‘Alí, so peerless and incomparable was he. “There was none to equal or to match him in the world.” Yet, thou must have heard what befell him. “God’s malison on the head of the people of tyranny!” “و اگر مقصود اين باشد که اين همج رعاع می گويند مفرّی برای ايشان نمی ماند… (Search hits: 1 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 68.85)

بند صد و سی و هفتم

But the purpose of these verses is not what they have imagined. Nay, the terms “ascendancy,” “power,” and “authority” imply a totally different station and meaning. For instance, consider the pervading power of those drops of the blood of Husayn which besprinkled the earth. What ascendancy and influence hath the dust itself, through the sacredness and potency of that blood, exercised over the bodies and souls of men! So much so, that he who sought deliverance from his ills, was healed by touching the dust of that holy ground, and whosoever, wishing to protect his property, treasured with absolute faith… (Search hits: 1 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 68.85)

بند صد و چهل و یکم

Thus Jesus, Son of Mary, whilst seated one day and speaking in the strain of the Holy Spirit, uttered words such as these: “O people! My food is the grass of the field, wherewith I satisfy my hunger. My bed is the dust, my lamp in the night the light of the moon, and my steed my own feet. Behold, who on earth is richer than I?” By the righteousness of God! Thousands of treasures circle round this poverty, and a myriad kingdoms of glory yearn for such abasement! Shouldst thou attain to a drop of the ocean of the… (Search hits: 1 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 68.85)

بند صد و چهل و دوم

In like manner, it is related that on a certain day, one of the companions of Sádiq complained of his poverty before him. Whereupon, Sádiq, that immortal beauty, made reply: “Verily thou art rich, and hast drunk the draft of wealth.” That poverty-stricken soul was perplexed at the words uttered by that luminous countenance, and said: “Where are my riches, I who stand in need of a single coin?” Sádiq thereupon observed: “Dost thou not possess our love?” He replied: “Yea, I possess it, O thou scion of the Prophet of God!” And Sádiq asked him saying: “Exchangest thou this… (Search hits: 1 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 68.85)

بند صد و چهل و هفتم

…uttered by those wanderers in the vale of remoteness and error: “‘The hand of God,’ say the Jews, ‘is chained up.’ Chained up be their own hands! And for that which they have said, they were accursed. Nay, outstretched are both His hands!”99 “The hand of God is above their hands.” “چون غيب ازلی و ساذج هويّه، شمس محمّدی را از افق علم و معانی مشرق فرمود از جمله اعتراضات علمای يهود آن بود که بعد از موسی نبّی مبعوث نشود. بلی، طلعتی در کتاب مذکور است که بايد ظاهر شود و ترويج ملّت و مذهب او را نمايد تا… (Search hits: 1 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 68.85)