بند سی و ششم

…familiar with the interpretation of the term “sun” and “moon” mentioned in this verse; no need therefore to refer unto it. And whosoever is of the element of this “sun” and “moon,” that is, followeth the example of these leaders in setting his face towards falsehood and in turning away from the truth, he undoubtedly cometh out of infernal gloom and returneth thereunto. “و اطلاق شمس بر آن علماء به مناسبت علوّ و شهرت و معروفيّت است. مثل علمای مسلّم عصر که مشهور بلاد و مسلّم اند بين عباد. و اگر حاکی از شمس الهی باشند از شموس عاليه محسوبند… (Search hits: 8 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 550.76)

بند سی و سوم :حکم کسب کار و صنعت

…you to engage in some occupation — such as a craft, a trade or the like. We have exalted your engagement in such work to the rank of worship of the one true God. Reflect, O people, on the grace and blessings of your Lord, and yield Him thanks at eventide and dawn. Waste not your hours in idleness and sloth, but occupy yourselves with what will profit you and others. Thus hath it been decreed in this Tablet from whose horizon hath shone the day-star of wisdom and utterance. The most despised of men in the sight of God… (Search hits: 8 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 550.76)

بند هشتاد و هشتم

…no soul would feel able to utter a word, much less to reject or accept the truth. It was owing to their misunderstanding of these truths that many a Christian divine hath objected to Muhammad, and voiced his protest in such words: “If Thou art in truth the promised Prophet, why then art Thou not accompanied by those angels our sacred Books foretold, and which must needs descend with the promised Beauty to assist Him in His Revelation and act as warners unto His people?” Even as the All-Glorious hath recorded their statement: “Why hath not an angel been sent… (Search hits: 8 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 550.76)

بند شصتم

Likewise, reflect upon the state and condition of Mary. So deep was the perplexity of that most beauteous countenance, so grievous her case, that she bitterly regretted she had ever been born. To this beareth witness the text of the sacred verse wherein it is mentioned that after Mary had given birth to Jesus, she bemoaned her plight and cried out: “O would that I had died ere this, and been a thing forgotten, forgotten quite!” I swear by God! Such lamenting consumeth the heart and shaketh the being. Such consternation of soul, such despondency, could have been caused by… (Search hits: 8 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 550.76)

بند یکصد و بیست و ششم : سوال کردن از من یظهر الله

حرّم عليکم السّؤال فی البيان عفا اللّه عن ذلک لتسئلوا ما تحتاج به انفسکم لا ما تکلّم به رجال قبلکم اتّقوا اللّه و کونوا من المتّقين * اسئلوا ما ينفعکم فی امراللّه و سلطانه قد فتح باب الفضل علی من فی السّموات و الارضين * In the Bayán it had been forbidden you to ask Us questions. The Lord hath now relieved you of this prohibition, that ye may be free to ask what you need to ask, but not such idle questions as those on which the men of former times were wont to dwell. Fear God, and be… (Search hits: 7 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 481.92)

بند یکصد و دوم : خطاب به علما

يا قوم انّا قدّرنا العلوم لعرفان المعلوم و انتم احتجبتم بها عن مشرقها الّذی به ظهر کلّ امر مکنون * لو عرفتم الافق الّذی منه اشرقت شمس الکلام لنبذتم الانام و ما عندهم و اقبلتم الی المقام المحمود * We have decreed, O people, that the highest and last end of all learning be the recognition of Him Who is the Object of all knowledge; and yet, behold how ye have allowed your learning to shut you out, as by a veil, from Him Who is the Dayspring of this Light, through Whom every hidden thing hath been revealed. Could… (Search hits: 7 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 481.92)

بند صد و پنجاه و چهارم

Consider, how can he that faileth in the day of God’s Revelation to attain unto the grace of the “Divine Presence” and to recognize His Manifestation, be justly called learned, though he may have spent aeons in the pursuit of knowledge, and acquired all the limited and material learning of men? It is surely evident that he can in no wise be regarded as possessed of true knowledge. Whereas, the most unlettered of all men, if he be honored with this supreme distinction, he verily is accounted as one of those divinely learned men whose knowledge is of God; for… (Search hits: 7 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 481.92)

بند دویست و سی و هشت

Although the outward meaning of “Whom God causeth to err through a knowledge” is what hath been revealed, yet to Us it signifieth those divines of the age who have turned away from the Beauty of God, and who, clinging unto their own learning, as fashioned by their own fancies and desires, have denounced God’s divine Message and Revelation. “Say: It is a weighty Message, from which ye turn aside!” Likewise, He saith: “And when Our clear verses are recited to them, they say, ‘This is merely a man who would fain pervert you from your father’s worship.’ And they… (Search hits: 7 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 481.92)

بند دویست و بیست و دو

Muhammad, Himself, as the end of His mission drew nigh, spoke these words: “Verily, I leave amongst you My twin weighty testimonies: The Book of God and My Family.” Although many traditions had been revealed by that Source of Prophethood and Mine of divine Guidance, yet He mentioned only that Book, thereby appointing it as the mightiest instrument and surest testimony for the seekers; a guide for the people until the Day of Resurrection. “چنانچه نقطه فرقان در آخر امر فرمودند که “إنّی تارِکٌ فيکُمُ الثّقلَيْنِ کتابَ اللّهِ و عِترَتی.” با اينکه احاديث بسيار از منبع رسالت و معدن هدايت… (Search hits: 7 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 481.92)

بند دویست و سی و دو

Heed not the idle contention of those who maintain that the Book and verses thereof can never be a testimony unto the common people, inasmuch as they neither grasp their meaning nor appreciate their value. And yet, the unfailing testimony of God to both the East and the West is none other than the Qur’án. Were it beyond the comprehension of men, how could it have been declared as a universal testimony unto all people? If their contention be true, none would therefore be required, nor would it be necessary for them to know God, inasmuch as the knowledge of… (Search hits: 7 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 481.92)