بند دویست و بیست و هفت

O friend! It behooveth us not to waive the injunction of God, but rather acquiesce and submit to that which He hath ordained as His divine Testimony. This verse is too weighty and pregnant an utterance for this afflicted soul to demonstrate and expound. God speaketh the truth and leadeth the way. He, verily, is supreme over all His people; He is the Mighty, the Beneficent. “ای رفيق، بايد از امر الهی نگذريم و به آنچه حجّت خود قرار فرموده راضی شويم و سر بنهيم. خلاصه، حجّت و برهان اين آيه مُنزله اعظم از آن است که اين عليل تواند… (Search hits: 5 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 344.23)

بند یکصد و پانزدهم : مشرق الاذکار

طوبی لمن توجّه الی مشرق الاذکار فی الاسحار ذاکراً متذکّراً مستغفراً و اذا دخل يقعد صامتاً لاصغآء ايات اللّه الملک العزيز الحميد * قل مشرق الاذکار انّه کلّ بيت بنی لذکری فی المدن و القری کذلک سمّی لدی العرش ان انتم من العارفين * Blessed is he who, at the hour of dawn, centring his thoughts on God, occupied with His remembrance, and supplicating His forgiveness, directeth his steps to the Mashriqu’l-Adhkár and, entering therein, seateth himself in silence to listen to the verses of God, the Sovereign, the Mighty, the All-Praised. Say: The Mashriqu’l-Adhkár is each and every building… (Search hits: 5 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 344.23)

بند هفتاد و سوم

From all that We have stated it hath become clear and manifest that before the revelation of each of the Mirrors reflecting the divine Essence, the signs heralding their advent must needs be revealed in the visible heaven as well as in the invisible, wherein is the seat of the sun of knowledge, of the moon of wisdom, and of the stars of understanding and utterance. The sign of the invisible heaven must needs be revealed in the person of that perfect man who, before each Manifestation appeareth, educateth, and prepareth the souls of men for the advent of the… (Search hits: 5 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 344.23)

بند صد و سی و پنجم

Were the idle contention of these foolish and despicable souls to be true, they would have none other alternative than to reject all these holy utterances and heavenly allusions. For no warrior could be found on earth more excellent and nearer to God than Husayn, son of ‘Alí, so peerless and incomparable was he. “There was none to equal or to match him in the world.” Yet, thou must have heard what befell him. “God’s malison on the head of the people of tyranny!” “و اگر مقصود اين باشد که اين همج رعاع می گويند مفرّی برای ايشان نمی ماند… (Search hits: 5 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 344.23)

بند صد و دوازدهم

To this testifieth that which hath been witnessed in this wondrous and exalted Dispensation. Myriads of holy verses have descended from the heaven of might and grace, yet no one hath turned thereunto, nor ceased to cling to those words of men, not one letter of which they that have spoken them comprehend. For this reason the people have doubted incontestable truths, such as these, and caused themselves to be deprived of the Ridván of divine knowledge, and the eternal meads of celestial wisdom. “چنانچه مشاهده شد در اين ظهور بديع منيع که کرورها آيات الهيّه از سماء قدرت و… (Search hits: 5 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 344.23)

بند چهارم

Ponder for a moment, and reflect upon that which hath been the cause of such denial on the part of those who have searched with such earnestness and longing. Their attack hath been more fierce than tongue or pen can describe. Not one single Manifestation of Holiness hath appeared but He was afflicted by the denials, the repudiation, and the vehement opposition of the people around Him. Thus it hath been revealed: “O the misery of men! No Messenger cometh unto them but they laugh Him to scorn.” Again He saith: “Each nation hath plotted darkly against their Messenger to… (Search hits: 5 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 344.23)

بند صد و چهل و دوم

In like manner, it is related that on a certain day, one of the companions of Sádiq complained of his poverty before him. Whereupon, Sádiq, that immortal beauty, made reply: “Verily thou art rich, and hast drunk the draft of wealth.” That poverty-stricken soul was perplexed at the words uttered by that luminous countenance, and said: “Where are my riches, I who stand in need of a single coin?” Sádiq thereupon observed: “Dost thou not possess our love?” He replied: “Yea, I possess it, O thou scion of the Prophet of God!” And Sádiq asked him saying: “Exchangest thou this… (Search hits: 5 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 344.23)

بند دویست و بیست و نه

In another passage He saith: “Woe to every lying sinner, who heareth the verses of God recited to him, and then, as though he heard them not, persisteth in proud disdain! Apprise him of a painful punishment.” The implications of this verse, alone, suffice all that is in heaven and on earth, were the people to ponder the verses of their Lord. For thou hearest how in this day the people disdainfully ignore the divinely revealed verses, as though they were the meanest of all things. And yet, nothing greater than these verses hath ever appeared, nor will ever be… (Search hits: 5 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 344.23)

بند صد و هشتاد و چهار

Be fair: Were these people to acknowledge the truth of these luminous words and holy allusions, and recognize God as “Him that doeth whatsoever He pleaseth,” how could they continue to cleave unto these glaring absurdities? Nay, with all their soul, they would accept and submit to whatsoever He saith. I swear by God! But for the divine Decree, and the inscrutable dispensations of Providence, the earth itself would have utterly destroyed all this people! “He will, however, respite them until the appointed time of a known day.” “حال انصاف دهيد اگر اين عباد موقن به اين کلمات درّيّه و… (Search hits: 5 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 344.23)

بند صد و هشتاد و هشت

We seal our theme with that which was formerly revealed unto Muhammad that the seal thereof may shed the fragrance of that holy musk which leadeth men unto the Ridván of unfading splendor. He said, and His Word is the truth: “And God calleth to the Abode of Peace; and He guideth whom He will into the right way.” “For them is an Abode of Peace with their Lord! and He shall be their Protector because of their works.”131 This He hath revealed that His grace may encompass the world. Praise be to God, the Lord of all being! “اَخْتِمُ… (Search hits: 5 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 344.23)