بند دویست و هفتاد و پنج

Such is the condition and fate of His companions which in former days hath been foretold. And now observe how, according to this tradition, Zawrá’ is no other but the land of Rayy. In that place His companions have been with great suffering put to death, and all these holy beings have suffered martyrdom at the hand of the Persians, as recorded in the tradition. This thou hast heard, and unto it all testify. Wherefore, then, do not these groveling, worm-like men pause to meditate upon these traditions, all of which are manifest as the sun in its noontide glory?… (Search hits: 1 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 68.85)

بند دویست و هفتاد و هفت

…inhaled the fragrance of justice, have raised the standard of sedition, and have leagued themselves against Us. On every side We witness the menace of their spears, and in all directions We recognize the shafts of their arrows. This, although We have never gloried in any thing, nor did We seek preference over any soul. To everyone We have been a most kindly companion, a most forbearing and affectionate friend. In the company of the poor We have sought their fellowship, and amidst the exalted and learned We have been submissive and resigned. I swear by God, the one true… (Search hits: 1 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 68.85)

بند سوم : اهمیت احکام الهی

…of Revelation. Were any man to taste the sweetness of the words which the lips of the All-Merciful have willed to utter, he would, though the treasures of the earth be in his possession, renounce them one and all, that he might vindicate the truth of even one of His commandments, shining above the Dayspring of His bountiful care and loving-kindness. ای مردم روی زمین، بدانید که اوامر و احکام من چراغهای عنایت در بین بندگان من هستند و کلیدهای رحمت من هستند برای خلق من. اینچنین نازل شده است امر الهی از آسمان مشیت و خواست پروردگار شما که… (Search hits: 1 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 68.85)

بند دویست و هشتاد

They that have hearts to understand, they that have quaffed the Wine of love, who have not for one moment gratified their selfish desires, will behold, resplendent as the sun in its noontide glory, those tokens, testimonies, and evidences that attest the truth of this wondrous Revelation, this transcendent and divine Faith. Reflect, how the people have rejected the Beauty of God, and have clung unto their covetous desires. Notwithstanding all these consummate verses, these unmistakable allusions, which have been revealed in the “Most weighty Revelation,” the Trust of God amongst men, and despite these evident traditions, each more manifest… (Search hits: 1 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 68.85)

بند دویست و هشتاد و یک

Consider, that even the year in which that Quintessence of Light is to be made manifest hath been specifically recorded in the traditions, yet they still remain unmindful, nor do they for one moment cease to pursue their selfish desires. According to the tradition, Mufaddal asked Sádiq saying: “What of the sign of His manifestation, O my master?” He made reply: “In the year sixty, His Cause shall be made manifest, and His Name shall be proclaimed.” ملاحظه فرمائيد که در اخبار، سنه ظهور آن هويّه نور را هم ذکر فرموده‏اند مع ذلک شاعر نشده‏اند و در نَفَسی از هوای… (Search hits: 1 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 68.85)

بند دویست و هشتاد و دو

How strange! Notwithstanding these explicit and manifest references these people have shunned the Truth. For instance, mention of the sorrows, the imprisonment and afflictions inflicted upon that Essence of divine virtue hath been made in the former traditions. In the “Bihár” it is recorded: “In our Qá’im there shall be four signs from four Prophets, Moses, Jesus, Joseph, and Muhammad. The sign from Moses is fear and expectation; from Jesus, that which was spoken of Him; from Joseph, imprisonment and dissimulation; from Muhammad, the revelation of a Book similar to the Qur’án.” Notwithstanding such a conclusive tradition, which in such… (Search hits: 1 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 68.85)

بند دویست و هشتاد و پنج تا انتها

We perceive none, however, amongst the people of the earth who, sincerely yearning for the Truth, seeketh the guidance of the divine Manifestations concerning the abstruse matters of his Faith. All are dwellers in the land of oblivion, and all are followers of the people of wickedness and rebellion. God will verily do unto them that which they themselves are doing, and will forget them even as they have ignored His Presence in His day. Such is His decree unto those that have denied Him, and such will it be unto them that have rejected His signs. We conclude Our… (Search hits: 1 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 68.85)

منجى موعود

…Text part 1 pp 229 – 30 using alternative translation suggested in the footnote) ٦٩ اشعيا باب ٢ آيهٴ ٤ ٧٠ اشعيا باب ١١ آيهٴ ٦ ٧١ اشعيا باب ١١ آيهٴ ٩ ٧٢ مکاشفات يوحنا باب ٢١ آيه‌هاى ١٥ ٧٣ حديث روايت شده توسط الحکيم در مشکوة‌المصابيح تأليف البغاوى ٣:١١٤١ ٧٤ شيخ مفيد در کتاب الارشاد ص ٤٣٤٣ اقتباس شده از کتاب Introduction to Shi’i Islam تأليف موژان مؤمن ص ١٦٩ ٧٥ حضرت ولىّ‌امرالله Guidance for Today and Tomorrow ترجمهٴ جمشيد فنائيان تحت عنوان حال و آيندهٴ جهان ص ٧٧ _ ٧٨. سایت دنیای بهائی: مقالاتی درباره دیدگاه های بهائی… (Search hits: 1 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 68.85)

بند اول : معرفت حق و شناخت مظهر ظهور

…لکلّ نفس ان يتّبع ما امر به من لدی المقصود لانّهما معاً لا يقبل احدهما دون الاخر هذا ما حکم به مطلع الالهام * The first duty prescribed by God for His servants is the recognition of Him Who is the Dayspring of His Revelation and the Fountain of His laws, Who representeth the Godhead in both the Kingdom of His Cause and the world of creation. Whoso achieveth this duty hath attained unto all good; and whoso is deprived thereof hath gone astray, though he be the author of every righteous deed. It behoveth every one who reacheth this… (Search hits: 1 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 68.85)

بند هشتاد و دوم : خطاب به ملوک

…of this world shut you out as by a veil from Him Who is the Creator of heaven. Arise, and serve Him Who is the Desire of all nations, Who hath created you through a word from Him, and ordained you to be, for all time, the emblems of His sovereignty. ای پادشاهان شما در ظاهر مالک هستید، مالک حقیقی با بهترین آرایش آشکار شد. حال که مشرق ظهور الهی و شما را با نفس خود که مهیمن او قیوم است دعوت میکند. مبادا غرور و یا ثروت دنیا که حجاب است شما را از شناخت خالق آسمان مانع شود…. (Search hits: 1 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 68.85)