بند یکصد و هفتادم : خطاب به علما

اذکروا الکريم اذ دعوناه الی اللّه انّه استکبر بما اتّبع هواه بعد اذ ارسلنا اليه ما قرّت به عين البرهان فی الامکان و تمّت حجّة اللّه علی من فی السّموات و الارضين * انّا امرناه بالاقبال فضلاً من الغنيّ المتعال انّه ولّی مدبراً الی ان اخذته زبانية العذاب عدلاً من اللّه انّا کنّا شاهدين * Call ye to mind Karím, and how, when We summoned him unto God, he waxed disdainful, prompted by his own desires; yet We had sent him that which was a solace to the eye of proof in the world of being and the fulfilment of… (Search hits: 3 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 206.54)

بند دویست و دو

Inasmuch as they have not apprehended the meaning of Knowledge, and have called by that name those images fashioned by their own fancy and which have sprung from the embodiments of ignorance, they therefore have inflicted upon the Source of Knowledge that which thou hast heard and witnessed. باری، چون معنی علم را ادراک ننموده‏اند و افکار مجعوله خود را که ناشی از مظاهر جهل شده، اسم آن را علم گذاشته، بر مبدء علوم وارد آورده‏اند آنچه ديده‌ايد و شنيده‌ايد…. (Search hits: 3 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 206.54)

بند یکصد و چهل و چهارم : معاشرت با همه ی ادیان

عاشروا مع الاديان بالرّوح و الرّيحان ليجدوا منکم عرف الرّحمن ايّاکم ان تأخذکم حميّة الجاهليّة بين البريّة کلّ بدء من اللّه و يعود اليه انّه لمبدء الخلق و مرجع العالمين * Consort with all religions with amity and concord, that they may inhale from you the sweet fragrance of God. Beware lest amidst men the flame of foolish ignorance overpower you. All things proceed from God and unto Him they return. He is the source of all things and in Him all things are ended. معاشرت کنید با اهل ادیان با خوشی و سرور، تا از شما بگیرند بوی خداوند… (Search hits: 3 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 206.54)

بند هفتاد و هفتم

The heart must needs therefore be cleansed from the idle sayings of men, and sanctified from every earthly affection, so that it may discover the hidden meaning of divine inspiration, and become the treasury of the mysteries of divine knowledge. Thus hath it been said: “He that treadeth the snow-white Path, and followeth in the footsteps of the Crimson Pillar, shall never attain unto his abode unless his hands are empty of those worldly things cherished by men.” This is the prime requisite of whosoever treadeth this path. Ponder thereon, that, with eyes unveiled, thou mayest perceive the truth of… (Search hits: 3 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 206.54)

بند یکصد و چهل و یکم : خطاب به اهل بیان در مورد ایمان آوردن به حضرت بهاالله

بند صد و چهل و یکم قل تاللّه انّی لمحبوبه و الان يسمع ما ينزل من سمآء الوحی و ينوح بما ارتکبتم فی ايّامه خافوا اللّه و لا تکوننّ من المعتدين * قل يا قوم ان لن تؤمنوا به لا تعترضوا عليه تاللّه يکفی ما اجتمع عليه من جنود الظّالمين * Say: By the righteousness of God! I, verily, am His [The Báb’s] Best-Beloved; and at this moment He listeneth to these verses descending from the Heaven of Revelation and bewaileth the wrongs ye have committed in these days. Fear God, and join not with the aggressor. Say: O people,… (Search hits: 3 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 206.54)

بند هشتاد و هفتم

And now, inasmuch as these holy beings have sanctified themselves from every human limitation, have become endowed with the attributes of the spiritual, and have been adorned with the noble traits of the blessed, they therefore have been designated as “angels.” Such is the meaning of these verses, every word of which hath been expounded by the aid of the most lucid texts, the most convincing arguments, and the best established evidences. “باری، چون اين وجودات قدسيّه از عوارض بشريّه پاک و مقدّس گشتند و متخلّق به اخلاق روحانيّين و متّصف به اوصاف مقدّسين شدند لهذا اسم ملائکه بر آن… (Search hits: 3 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 206.54)

بند صد و بیست و یکم

When the light of Qur’ánic Revelation was kindled within the chamber of Muhammad’s holy heart, He passed upon the people the verdict of the Last Day, the verdict of resurrection, of judgment, of life, and of death. Thereupon the standards of revolt were hoisted, and the doors of derision opened. Thus hath He, the Spirit of God, recorded, as spoken by the infidels: “And if thou shouldst say, ‘After death ye shall surely be raised again,’ the infidels will certainly exclaim, ‘This is nothing but manifest sorcery.’” Again He speaketh: “If ever thou dost marvel, marvelous surely is their saying,… (Search hits: 3 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 206.54)

بند صد و نوزدهم

This is the significance of the well-known words: “The wolf and the lamb shall feed together.” Behold the ignorance and folly of those who, like the nations of old, are still expecting to witness the time when these beasts will feed together in one pasture! Such is their low estate. Methinks, never have their lips touched the cup of understanding, neither have their feet trodden the path of justice. Besides, of what profit would it be to the world were such a thing to take place? How well hath He spoken concerning them: “Hearts have they, with which they understand… (Search hits: 3 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 206.54)

بند دویست و شش

We were surprised exceedingly when We observed that his one purpose was to make the people realize that all these learnings were possessed by him. And yet, I swear by God that not one breath, blowing from the meads of divine knowledge, hath ever been wafted upon his soul, nor hath he ever unraveled a single mystery of ancient wisdom. Nay, were the meaning of Knowledge ever to be expounded unto him, dismay would fill his heart, and his whole being would shake to its foundation. Notwithstanding his base and senseless statements, behold to what heights of extravagance his claims… (Search hits: 3 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 206.54)

بند هفتاد و نهم

The heart must needs therefore be cleansed from the idle sayings of men, and sanctified from every earthly affection, so that it may discover the hidden meaning of divine inspiration, and become the treasury of the mysteries of divine knowledge. Thus hath it been said: “He that treadeth the snow-white Path, and followeth in the footsteps of the Crimson Pillar, shall never attain unto his abode unless his hands are empty of those worldly things cherished by men.” This is the prime requisite of whosoever treadeth this path. Ponder thereon, that, with eyes unveiled, thou mayest perceive the truth of… (Search hits: 3 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 206.54)