بند چهل و چهارم : حکم تراشیدن سر

لا تحلقوا رؤوسکم قد زيّنها اللّه بالشّعر و فی ذلک لايات لمن ينظر الی مقتضيات الطّبيعة من لدن مالک البريّة انّه لهو العزيز الحکيم * و لا ينبغی ان يتجاوز عن حدّ الاذان هذا ما حکم به مولی العالمين Shave not your heads; God hath adorned them with hair, and in this there are signs from the Lord of creation to those who reflect upon the requirements of nature. He, verily, is the God of strength and wisdom. Notwithstanding, it is not seemly to let the hair pass beyond the limit of the ears. Thus hath it been decreed by… (Search hits: 2 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 137.69)

بند صد و بیست و هفتم

In like manner, two of the people of Kúfih went to ‘Alí, the Commander of the Faithful. One owned a house and wished to sell it; the other was to be the purchaser. They had agreed that this transaction should be effected and the contract be written with the knowledge of ‘Alí. He, the exponent of the law of God, addressing the scribe, said: “Write thou: ‘A dead man hath bought from another dead man a house. That house is bounded by four limits. One extendeth toward the tomb, the other to the vault of the grave, the third to… (Search hits: 2 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 137.69)

بند صد و هشتم

I swear by God, O esteemed and honored friend! Shouldst thou ponder these words in thine heart, thou wilt of a certainty find the doors of divine wisdom and infinite knowledge flung open before thy face. قسم به خدا ای مخدوم من، اگر قدری در اين عبارات تفکّر فرمائی ابواب حکمت الهيّه و مصاريع علم نامتناهی را بر وجه خود گشوده يابی. مخدوم: سرور، آقا، ارباب/ مصاریع: دربها، دو نیمه یا دو لنگه، دو مصرع شعر… (Search hits: 2 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 137.69)

بند نود و چهارم

In yet another instance, He saith: “A part of them heard the Word of God, and then, after they had understood it, distorted it, and knew that they did so.” This verse, too, doth indicate that the meaning of the Word of God hath been perverted, not that the actual words have been effaced. To the truth of this testify they that are sound of mind. “و در مقام ديگر می فرمايد: “وَ قَد کَانَ فَريقٌ مِنهُمْ يَسمَعُونَ کَلامَ اللّهِ ثُمَّ يُحَرّفُونَهُ مِنْ بَعْدِ ما عَقَلُوهُ و هُم يَعْلَمُونَ.” و اين آيه هم مُدلّ است بر تحريف معانی کلام الهی… (Search hits: 2 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 137.69)

بند شصت سوم

If the eye of justice be opened, it will readily recognize, in the light of that which hath been mentioned, that He, Who is the Cause and ultimate Purpose of all these things, is made manifest in this day. Though similar events have not occurred in this Dispensation, yet the people still cling to such vain imaginings as are cherished by the reprobate. How grievous the charges brought against Him! How severe the persecutions inflicted upon Him—charges and persecutions the like of which men have neither seen nor heard! “چشم انصاف اگر باز شود از جميع اين بيانات مشهود می… (Search hits: 2 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 137.69)

بند سی و پنجم

It is evident and manifest unto every discerning observer that even as the light of the star fadeth before the effulgent splendor of the sun, so doth the luminary of earthly knowledge, of wisdom, and understanding vanish into nothingness when brought face to face with the resplendent glories of the Sun of Truth, the Daystar of divine enlightenment. و اين بر هر ذی بصری مشهود است که همچنان که نور ستاره محو می شود نزد اشراق شمس ظاهره، همين قسم شمس علم و حکمت و عرفان ظاهره نزد طلوع شمس حقيقت و آفتاب معنوی محو و تاريک می شود…. (Search hits: 2 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 137.69)

بند بیست و هفتم

This servant will now share with thee a dewdrop out of the fathomless ocean of the truths treasured in these holy words, that haply discerning hearts may comprehend all the allusions and the implications of the utterances of the Manifestations of Holiness, so that the overpowering majesty of the Word of God may not prevent them from attaining unto the ocean of His names and attributes, nor deprive them of recognizing the Lamp of God which is the seat of the revelation of His glorified Essence. “حال اين بنده رشحی از معانی اين کلمات را ذکر می نمايم تا اصحاب… (Search hits: 2 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 137.69)

بند بیست و یکم

Afterwards, the companions and disciples of Jesus asked Him concerning those signs that must needs signalize the return of His manifestation. When, they asked, shall these things be? Several times they questioned that peerless Beauty, and, every time He made reply, He set forth a special sign that should herald the advent of the promised Dispensation. To this testify the records of the four Gospels. ” و بعد اصحاب و تلاميذ آن حضرت استدعا نمودند که علامت رجعت و ظهور چيست و چه وقت اين ظاهر خواهد شد؟ و در چند مقام اين سؤال را از آن طلعت بی مثال… (Search hits: 2 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 137.69)

بند بیست و یکم : احکام فرعیه ارث

من مات و لم يکن له ذرّيّة ترجع حقوقهم الی بيت العدل ليصرفوها امنآء الرّحمن فی الايتام و الارامل و ما ينتفع به جمهور النّاس ليشکروا ربّهم العزيز الغفّار. Should the deceased leave no offspring, their share shall revert to the House of Justice, to be expended by the Trustees of the All-Merciful on the orphaned and widowed, and on whatsoever will bring benefit to the generality of the people, that all may give thanks unto their Lord, the All-Gracious, the Pardoner. اگر کسی بمیرد و فرزندی نداشته باشد، حقوق ذریه به بیت العدل راجع است که ایشان صرف ارامل… (Search hits: 2 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 137.69)

بند دویست و بیست و هشت

Likewise, He saith: “Such are the verses of God: with truth do We recite them to thee. But in what revelation will they believe, if they reject God and His verses?” 156 If thou wilt grasp the implication of this verse, thou wilt recognize the truth that no manifestation greater than the Prophets of God hath ever been revealed, and no testimony mightier than the testimony of their revealed verses hath ever appeared upon the earth. Nay, this testimony no other testimony can ever excel, except that which the Lord thy God willeth. “و همچنين می فرمايد: “تلکَ آياتُ اللّهِ… (Search hits: 2 in body, 0 in title, 0 in categories, 0 in tags, 0 in other taxonomies, 0 in comments. Score: 137.69)