کتاب ایقان مخزن حقائق اسرار الهی

بند صد و هشتاد و هفت

And it came to pass that on a certain day a needy man came to visit this Soul, craving for the ocean of His knowledge. While conversing with him, mention was made concerning the signs of the Day of Judgment, Resurrection, Revival, and Reckoning.

He urged us to explain how, in this wondrous Dispensation, the peoples of the world were brought to a reckoning, when none were made aware of it. Thereupon, we imparted unto him, according to the measure of his capacity and understanding, certain truths of Science and ancient Wisdom. We then asked him saying: “Hast thou not read the Qur’án, and art thou not aware of this blessed verse: ‘On that day shall neither man nor spirit be asked of his sin’?127 Dost thou not realize that by ‘asking’ is not meant asking by tongue or speech, even as the verse itself doth indicate and prove? For afterward it is said: ‘By their countenance shall the sinners be known, and they shall be seized by their forelocks and their feet.’”

“اين است که از وجهه، حساب خلايق کشيده می شود و کفر و ايمان و عصيان، جميع ظاهر می گردد. چنانچه اليوم مشهود است که به سيما اهل ضلالت از اصحاب هدايت معلوم و واضح اند. و اگر اين عباد خالصاً للّه و طلباً لرضائه در آيات کتاب ملاحظه نمايند جميع آنچه را که می طلبند البتّه ادراک می نمايند.به قسمی که جميع امور واقعه در اين ظهور را از کلّی و جزئی در آيات او ظاهر و مکشوف ادراک می نمايند حتّی خروج مظاهر اسماء و صفات را از اوطان، و اعراض و اغماض ملّت و دولت را، و سکون و استقرار مظهر کلّيّه در ارض معلوم مخصوص. وَلکِن لا يَعرِفُ ذلک إلّا اُولُو الالباب.”

اوطان: وطنها/ اغماض: چشم پوشی /

“وَلکِن لا يَعرِفُ ذلک إلّا اُولُو الالباب”
از حضرت بهالله است به این معنا که: ولکن آن را نمیفهمد جز صاحبان عقل.