کتاب ایقان مخزن حقائق اسرار الهی

بند دویست و هشتاد و چهار

These things We mention only that the people may not be dismayed because of certain traditions and utterances, which have not yet been literally fulfilled, that they may rather attribute their perplexity to their own lack of understanding,

and not to the nonfulfillment of the promises in the traditions, inasmuch as the meaning intended by the Imáms of the Faith is not known by this people, as evidenced by the traditions themselves. The people, therefore, must not allow such utterances to deprive them of the divine bounties, but should rather seek enlightenment from them who are the recognized Expounders thereof, so that the hidden mysteries may be unraveled, and be made manifest unto them.

“باری، ذکر اين مراتب برای آن است که از بعضی روايات و بيانات که در عالم ملک آثار آن ظاهر نشده مضطرب نشوند و حمل بر عدم ادراک خود نمايند نه بر عدم ظهور معانی حديث زيرا که نزد آن عباد معلوم نيست که مقصود أئمّه دين چه بود چنانچه از حديث مستفاد می شود. پس بايد عباد به اين گونه عبارات، خود را از فيوضات ممنوع نسازند و از اهلش سؤال نمايند تا اسرار مستوره، بلا حجاب ظاهر و واضح شود. “