کتاب ایقان مخزن حقائق اسرار الهی

بند دویست و شش

We were surprised exceedingly when We observed that his one purpose was to make the people realize that all these learnings were possessed by him.

And yet, I swear by God that not one breath, blowing from the meads of divine knowledge, hath ever been wafted upon his soul, nor hath he ever unraveled a single mystery of ancient wisdom. Nay, were the meaning of Knowledge ever to be expounded unto him, dismay would fill his heart, and his whole being would shake to its foundation. Notwithstanding his base and senseless statements, behold to what heights of extravagance his claims have reached!

“باری، بسيار متعجّب شدم، از اين بيانات نديدم مگر اينکه می خواهد بر مردم برساند که جميع اين علوم نزد ايشان است با وجود اينکه قسم به خدا نسيمی از رياض علم الهی نشنيده و بر حرفی از اسرار حکمت ربّانی اطّلاع نيافته. بلکه اگر معنی علم گفته شود البتّه مضطرب شود و جبل وجود او مندکّ گردد. با وجود اين اقوال سخيفه بی معنی چه دعوی های زياده از حدّ نموده.”

جبل: کوه / مندک: منهدم، خراب/ سخیفه: پست و حقیر/