کتاب ایقان مخزن حقائق اسرار الهی

بند صد و سی و هشتم

Furthermore, call to mind the shameful circumstances that have attended the martyrdom of Husayn. Reflect upon his loneliness, how, to outer seeming, none could be found to aid him, none to take up his body and bury it.

And yet, behold how numerous, in this day, are those who from the uttermost corners of the earth don the garb of pilgrimage, seeking the site of his martyrdom, that there they may lay their heads upon the threshold of his shrine! Such is the ascendancy and power of God! Such is the glory of His dominion and majesty!

“و همچنين ملاحظه نما، با اينکه به نهايت ذلّت آن حضرت شهيد شد و احدی نبود که آن حضرت را در ظاهر نصرت نمايد و يا غسل دهد و کفن نمايد مع ذلک حال چگونه از اطراف و اکناف بلاد چقدر از مردم که شدّ رحال می نمايند برای حضور در آن ارض که سر بر آن آستان بمالند.”

شد رحال: بستن بار سفر