کتاب ایقان مخزن حقائق اسرار الهی

بند صد و پنجاه و سوم

Strive, therefore, O my brother, to grasp the meaning of “Resurrection,” and cleanse thine ears from the idle sayings of these rejected people. Shouldst thou step into the realm of complete detachment, thou wilt readily testify that no day is mightier than this Day, and that no resurrection more awful than this Resurrection can ever be conceived.

One righteous work performed in this Day, equaleth all the virtuous acts which for myriads of centuries men have practiced—nay, we ask forgiveness of God for such a comparison! For verily the reward which such a deed deserveth is immensely beyond and above the estimate of men. Inasmuch as these undiscerning and wretched souls have failed to apprehend the true meaning of “Resurrection” and of the “attainment unto the divine Presence,” they therefore have remained utterly deprived of the grace thereof. Although the sole and fundamental purpose of all learning, and the toil and labor thereof, is attainment unto, and the recognition of, this station, yet they are all immersed in the pursuit of their material studies. They deny themselves every moment of leisure, and utterly ignore Him, Who is the Essence of all learning, and the one Object of their quest! Methinks, their lips have never touched the cup of divine Knowledge, nor do they seem to have attained even a dewdrop of the showers of heavenly grace.

“پس ای برادر، معنی قيامت را ادراک نما و گوش را از حرف های اين مردم مردود پاک فرما. اگر قدری به عوالم انقطاع قدم گذاری شهادت می دهيد که يومی اعظم از اين يوم و قيامتی اکبر از اين قيامت متصوّر نيست و يک عمل در اين يوم مقابل است با اعمال صد هزار سنه، بلکه استغفراللّه از اين تحديد زيرا که مقدّس است عمل اين يوم از جزای محدود. و اين همج رعاع چون معنی قيامت و لقای الهی را ادراک ننمودند لهذا از فيض او بالمرّه محجوب ماندند. با اينکه مقصود از علم و زحمات آن وصول و معرفت اين مقام است، مع ذلک همه مشغول به علوم ظاهره شده‏اند. چنانچه آنی منفکّ نيستند و از جوهر علم و معلوم چشم پوشيده‏اند. گويا نمی از يمّ علم الهی ننوشيدند و به قطره ای از سحاب فيض رحمانی فائز نگشتند. “