کتاب ایقان مخزن حقائق اسرار الهی

بند شصت و دوم

And now, take heed, O brother! If such things be revealed in this Dispensation, and such incidents come to pass, at the present time, what would the people do?

I swear by Him Who is the true Educator of mankind and the Revealer of the Word of God that the people would instantly and unquestionably pronounce Him an infidel and would sentence Him to death. How far are they from hearkening unto the voice that declareth: Lo! a Jesus hath appeared out of the breath of the Holy Ghost, and a Moses summoned to a divinely appointed task! Were a myriad voices to be raised, no ear would listen if We said that upon a fatherless Child hath been conferred the mission of Prophethood, or that a murderer hath brought from the flame of the Burning Bush the message of “Verily, verily, I am God!”

“حال ای برادر ملاحظه نما اگر در اين عهد چنين اموری ظاهر شود و چنين حکايت بروز نمايد چه خواهند نمود؟ قسم به مربّی وجود و مُنزِل کلمات که در حين، بی تکلّم حکم بر کفر و امر بر قتل نمايند. کجا گوش می دهند که گفته شود که عيسی از نفخه روح القدس ظاهر شده و يا موسی از امر مبرم مأمور گشته. اگر صد هزار خروش بر آری به گوش احدی نرود که بی پدری مبعوث به رسالت گشته و يا قاتلی از شجره نار، إنّی اَنَا اللّه آورده.”
نفخه: دمیدن، نَفَس / مبرم: محکم، متیم، قاطع / إنّی اَنَا اللّه: بدرستی که من خدا هستم/