کتاب ایقان مخزن حقائق اسرار الهی

بند دویست و سی و دو

Heed not the idle contention of those who maintain that the Book and verses thereof can never be a testimony unto the common people, inasmuch as they neither grasp their meaning nor appreciate their value.

And yet, the unfailing testimony of God to both the East and the West is none other than the Qur’án. Were it beyond the comprehension of men, how could it have been declared as a universal testimony unto all people? If their contention be true, none would therefore be required, nor would it be necessary for them to know God, inasmuch as the knowledge of the divine Being transcendeth the knowledge of His Book, and the common people would not possess the capacity to comprehend it.

“گوش به حرف های مزخرف عباد مدهيد که نمی فهمند و احصاء نمی کنند، با اينکه اين قرآن حجّت است بر مشرق و مغرب عالم. اگر قوّه ادراک آن در مردم نبود چگونه حجّت بر کلّ واقع می شد؟ از اين قرار، بر معرفت الهيّه هم نفسی مکلّف نيست و لازم نه زيرا که عرفان او اعظم از عرفان کتاب اوست و عوام استعداد ادراک آن ندارند. “