کتاب ایقان مخزن حقائق اسرار الهی

بند دویست و چهل و نه

All these were guided by the light of that Sun of divine Revelation, confessed and acknowledged His truth. Such was their faith, that most of them renounced their substance and kindred, and cleaved to the good-pleasure of the All-Glorious.

They laid down their lives for their Well-Beloved, and surrendered their all in His path. Their breasts were made targets for the darts of the enemy, and their heads adorned the spears of the infidel. No land remained which did not drink the blood of these embodiments of detachment, and no sword that did not bruise their necks. Their deeds, alone, testify to the truth of their words. Doth not the testimony of these holy souls, who have so gloriously risen to offer up their lives for their Beloved that the whole world marveled at the manner of their sacrifice, suffice the people of this day? Is it not sufficient witness against the faithlessness of those who for a trifle betrayed their faith, who bartered away immortality for that which perisheth, who gave up the Kawthar of the divine Presence for salty springs, and whose one aim in life is to usurp the property of others? Even as thou dost witness how all of them have busied themselves with the vanities of the world, and have strayed far from Him Who is the Lord, the Most High.

Their breasts were made targets for the darts of the enemy, and their heads adorned the spears of the infidel. No land remained which did not drink the blood of these embodiments of detachment, and no sword that did not bruise their necks. Their deeds, alone, testify to the truth of their words. Doth not the testimony of these holy souls, who have so gloriously risen to offer up their lives for their Beloved that the whole world marveled at the manner of their sacrifice, suffice the people of this day? Is it not sufficient witness against the faithlessness of those who for a trifle betrayed their faith, who bartered away immortality for that which perisheth, who gave up the Kawthar of the divine Presence for salty springs, and whose one aim in life is to usurp the property of others? Even as thou dost witness how all of them have busied themselves with the vanities of the world, and have strayed far from Him Who is the Lord, the Most High.

“همه اينها مهتدی و مقرّ و مذعن گشتند برای آن شمس ظهور به قسمی که اکثری از مال و عيال گذشتند و به رضای ذی الجلال پيوستند. و از سر جان برای جانان برخاستند و انفاق نمودند به جميع آنچه مرزوق گشته بودند. به قسمی که سينه هاشان محلّ تيرهای مخالفين گشت و سرهاشان زينت سنان مشرکين. چنانچه ارضی نماند مگر آنکه از دم اين ارواح مجرّده آشاميد و سيفی نماند مگر آنکه به گردن هاشان ممسوح گشت. و دليل بر صدق قولشان فعلشان بس. آيا شهادت اين نفوس قدسيّه که به اين طريق جان در راه دوست دادند که همه عالم از ايثار دل و جانشان متحيّر گشتند کفايت نمی کند برای اين عبادی که هستند، و انکار بعضی عباد که دين را به درهمی دادند و بقا را به فنا تبديل نمودند و کوثر قرب را به چشمه های شور معاوضه کردند و بجز اخذ اموال ناس مرادی نجويند؟ چنانچه مشاهده می شود که کلّ به زخارف دنيا مشغول شده‏اند و از ربّ اعلی دور مانده.”

سنان: قطعۀ آهن نوک‌تیز که بر سر چوب‌دستی یا نیزه نصب کنند؛ سرنیزه/ سیف: شمشیر/ ممسوح: مسح شده، کسی را که به او روغن مقدس مالیده اند/ زخارف: مال و ثروت دنیا