In another passage of the Gospel it is written: “And it came to pass that on a certain day the father of one of the disciples of Jesus had died.” That disciple reporting the death of his father unto Jesus, asked for leave to go and bury him. Whereupon, Jesus, that Essence of Detachment, answered and said: “Let the dead bury their dead.”
“و در مقام ديگر در انجيل مسطور است که روزی يکی از اصحاب عيسی والدش وفات نمود و او خدمت حضرت معروض داشت و اجازه خواست که برود و او را دفن و کفن نموده راجع شود. آن جوهر انقطاع فرمود: “دَع المَوتی ليَدفِنُوه المَوتی.” يعنی واگذار مرده ها را تا دفن کنند مرده ها.”
انجیل لوقا فصل نه آیه شصت “دَع المَوتی ليَدفِنُوه المَوتی.”